The Motif Sketches
The theme and title of my pattern collection is Vintage Spring Valentine.
I wanted to create something for this coming Spring season (combined with Valentine’s Day) that was versatile, fun, and rich with that classic, vintage feel. I wanted delicate lines and a good flow within each pattern design.
When I started my creative thinking process, I started by asking myself questions such as, “What is Valentine’s Day about?” and “What does Spring mean to you?” I answered these questions with a word association list.

After getting my worded ideas down, along with some quick, small thumbnails, I began to sketch out whatever came to my mind that expressed my feelings for the vintage style, the Spring season, and Valentine’s Day.
I drew lots of hearts and vines and other little self-created elements that had a floral and whimsy essence to them.
Something that was very interesting to me, and that seemed to capture my theme very well, was this leaf-heart that I drew. I wanted that element to be a main piece in my collection.

The Vector Process
Creating the repeat design was tough at first, and I think it’s because I wanted to control everything. I had a vague idea about how I wanted my vintage pattern to look: connecting vines, flowers, hearts, and brass/gold vintage elements. So after drew my motifs in Ai, I began to organize them to create a seamless pattern that had some symmetrical structure to it.

The Coloring Process
I started with a grayscale palette to begin with, just so that I wouldn’t be distracted by color, but also so that I could keep an eye on the tone of the motifs.
Then I just played...

The Final Collection of Designs
My collection includes a primary pattern, a secondary, a tertiary, and three blenders.
Here are my final pattern swatches, shown as single blocks, then as repeat blocks.
I am very happy with the results. :)

Vintage Spring Valentine Collection used in a setting
I felt that the best place for this collection was on the walls as wallpaper and on vintage furniture. Here are a couple of mock-ups.

I hope my patterns made your eyes happy.
Thanks for viewing! =)